Tuesday 15 January 2013


So what's happened since the last time I've been on here? Jessops, the place where I work went into administration on the 9th and pulled the plug only two days later. Yes, I've been made redundant from one of my jobs and it was my last shift today. 
Am I sad? Yes. Has it hit me yet? No. What am I going to do now? is a question I get asked a lot. And truthfully... I don't know. I can either wait out to find out what's going on with my other job or I can start looking for a proper full time job. 
I shouldn't feel so sad though, at least I have another job, all my ex-colleagues are jobless and have to start searching for something all over again. A lot of them don't know anything other than Jessops because it was their life. You don't know how it feels until you're put into that situation, imagine being told to get on the conference call at noon and being told that the place where you've worked for 16 years is going to be shut down, pack up and go home. What do you do? Anyways I really don't know what I'm trying to get at, guess I'm just babbling.

Here's some more news, HMV went into administration today, that's the second high street casualty of the year and we're only 15 days in. Good luck to the HMV staff, I hope they can be rescued!


Thursday 3 January 2013

Ok so this will be my 8792938749837423987432432th's time starting a new blog. What can I say? I just don't know how to make a good blog, maybe I should give up? Or carry on? I figured my problem is trying to make it specific so this time I'm just going to blog when I can and about whatever I find interesting. I'll share the things I like.
To kick things off, here's a band I've discovered not long ago and their pretty amazing, Bastille.